Wood is the oldest and the most natural building material which has been around since the beginning of time. It has been used for boat making, firewood, making woodenware, etc. So, it isn’t wrong to say that this craftsmanship has been around for ages.

Wood carving is an art that has been around for centuries in various forms around the globe. People with different cultures and ethnicities have been designing and creating wonders using all kinds of wood. This form of art takes a lot of hard-work and dedication. It is not only limited to professionals anymore, many around the world are taking it up as a hobby. This developing interest among people have become a tremendous form of creative art and sculpture.
Especially with the beginners, it is very important to know the basics of wood carving. Firstly, the type of wood itself plays a significant role. It should be light, stable, readily available and most importantly, easy to work with. As a beginner, one is more likely to commit errors, therefore, it is crucial to opt for the simplest wood to begin with.
As one goes through different types of wood suitable for carving, there can be many good options in terms of their strength, appearance, and life, like oak, fruitwood, butternut, etc. Each type holds a key place, as no wood type is the same. But, the easiest wood for carving is no doubt basswood. It is very soft, light, and highly recommended for new woodcarvers. It is found from a tree of the genus Tilia.
Basswood can be found in a variety of shades. Its light weightiness and easy workability make it very suitable, especially when carving out intricate patterns and designs. Therefore, it is among the favorites for word workers when creating even textured and lightweight furniture pieces. It has a variety of different uses, like in the making of prosthetic limbs, toys, chopping boards, pulp, drawing boards, woodenware, etc.

One of the key features of basswood that makes it so favorable is its softness. It does not go hard on the tools that carve it. It can be easily carved against the grain due to it being so soft, although it is recommended to carve with the grain to achieve the best results. It holds a wood stain coat very well, which helps the wood give a more intense and eye-catching appearance. The surface of basswood is very smooth, so it very rare to find any unevenness in terms of texture, therefore the wood stain application appears quite neat.

Each kind of wood holds its own spot when it comes to creating and designing different things. It depends on the requirement and product which is to be made. This is the main deciding factor when it comes to making the right choice between its kinds. Although, basswood can be said as a very versatile kind, which is why it is so readily used in so many areas.